BREATHE by Scott Froschauer
Artist: Scott Froschauer
Size: 12" x 12"
Medium: Vinyl on Aluminum
BREATHE is part of Scott's "The Word on the Street" series. By using the materials and visual language of street signs, but replacing the traditional negative wording (Stop, Do Not Enter, Wrong Way…) with positive affirmations, Scott seeks to provide something that is missing from our daily visual diet -- positive affirmations.
This 12" wall sign is also available in the following:
12" tabletop sign on post ~~ $350
24" wall sign ~~ $1,200
36" wall sign ~~ $2,400
Give us a call at 310-836-4600 with questions and to order.
This is just one of many pieces on display from Scott Froschauer at our bricks and mortar gallery in downtown Culver City. Please visit us on Main Street or call 310-836-4600.
All purchases at The Whole 9 Gallery transform lives through ThePeaceProject.com