2011 Vision of Peace: 365 Days of Peace
12" x 12" fine art print on wood panel, finished with a UV coating. This image is by artist, Shannon McGough from the 2011 Peace Project exhibit. Usage rights donated by artist so that ALL proceeds can be used to change lives through The Peace Project's initiatives.
Description from artist regarding their vision of Peace: I paint a symbol on a canvas everyday for 365 Days. It started as part of my yoga/mediation practice. Everyday for a year I would paint an OM symbol on a canvas as I did my practice. After a year I had an amazing, vibrant painting. I submitted the painting to juried art show in the Chicago area and it was accepted! I then launched a website www.365daysofom.com where I offered more symbols including the peace symbol and it has really been resonating with people and I'm getting commissions. I call the peace one 365 Days of Peace. I call this "intention painting" because it's my intention for peace in myself, my surroundings, my world and each day I renew that intention.
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