2010 Vision of Peace: Look Within
12" x 12" fine art print on wood panel, finished with a UV coating. This image is by artist, Kelly Drew from the 2010 Peace Project exhibit. Usage rights donated by artist so that ALL proceeds can be used to change lives through The Peace Project's initiatives.
Description from artist regarding their vision of Peace: Peace cannot be manufactured, fought for or imposed upon another. Peace, in the truest sense, can only be cultivated by finding its source in the deepest, most eternal place within ourselves.
In my drawing I hope to convey the sense that peace grows and evolves from the tiniest of seeds. Beings who continually, actively surrender to the equanimity within themselves do not need to try to create peace, for they become peace; it will radiate naturally from their very cores. Every act then carries the spark to inspire others to discover that same capacity within to find that unconditional acceptance that has a simple, innocent beauty.
This piece is also available in a 24" x 24" panel for $450. Please call The Whole 9 Gallery at 310-836-460
All purchases at The Whole 9 Gallery transform lives through ThePeaceProject.com